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Youth Advisory Council


The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is a dynamic group of emerging leaders, consisting of current JMG youth and Alumni. Driven by their own transformative experiences in JMG, these passionate individuals serve as advocates and are dedicated to advancing and enhancing the initiatives of JMG programming statewide.

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Carson Haskin
YAC President

JMG is important because it teaches the importance of employment preparation. I’m excited to be a part of the YAC to connect with other youth leaders across the state and work together to create even more experiences and opportunities for youth.

Northwest Education Services CTC


I joined the Youth Advisory Council due to my enthusiasm for Jobs for Michigan's Graduates. I have had countless positive and memorable experiences as a result of my involvement in this program, and I am now joining the Youth Advisory Council in the hopes of returning what I have been given and serving others who are similar to and unlike me. Without JMG and everything that has been provided to me, I would not only be the person I am today, but I doubt I would be as successful as I am now.

Riley Brown
YAC President-Elect

Northwest Education Services CTC

Sarah Jones Moody

While growing up, I made my share of mistakes. I want to help other youth to not make the same mistakes whether in school or in life. YAC has given me the ability to share my story with other youth so they don’t have to learn those lessons the hard way. 

Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation


Nolan Henson - Youth Advisory Council Chairperson

Nolan Henson

I believe today is no better time to equip young people with the skills to lead for tomorrow. I'm looking forward to assessing the Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates and Youth Solutions community needs and developing ideas to help meet those needs and help create even more success stories.

Southwestern Classical Academy

Sereta Fager

Sereta Fager

Northwestern Michigan College

I joined the YAC to improve my experience and skill set as a mentor, with the hope that I can develop a stronger sense of self confidence and leadership. I recognize this program as an opportunity that I might not have again, and I am excited to see all the ways in which I can grow and learn from being involved. One of my favorite aspects of mentoring is creating bonds with people, and I hope to have that opportunity in the YAC as well.


As an Alumni on the YAC, and someone who after graduation went straight into the work force and is now working as an educator, I hope to be a good example of the benefits of the JMG program.

Wexford Missaukee Career Tech Center

Zachary DeZeeuw 

Kelly Burch

Kelly Burch

Cadillac Senior High School

I’m excited to join the YAC to gain more exposure to likeminded people and engage in opportunities that help me expand my knowledge and experience for my future career.

Mani Mesh

Mani Mesh

Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates is a great program and thanks to JMG, I believe there is always a way to make things even better. I joined the Youth Advisory Council because I want to continue to improve the program and to help young people in Michigan remove barriers and learn skills that will help them be successful in their lives beyond high school.

Windover High School

Christian Dunn

GST Michigan Works!

My passion is to help people, even if that means just making them smile! Because of the YAC I have been able to help Michigan’s youth to overcome their personal barriers and gain skills they need to be successful.

Christian Dunn

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Being a part of JMG has given me the opportunity to better myself professionally.  JMG has impacted my life by providing me with resources that are beneficial for my future. I plan to continue networking and building a supportive foundation by being involved with YAC. 

Ayanna Mendieta

Michigan Works! West Central

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August Doerr

Lansing School District

My hope by joining the YAC is to gain experience and knowledge on how to confidently and kindly put my ideas into the world. As a manager at a daycare, and with a goal to open my own Dance Movement Therapy practice, I want to understand how to effectively and ethically engage a group of adults so that we can do our best to help the children we serve.

Ta'Kaylah Aubrey


Through the YAC, I hope to continue advocating for our youth and work alongside others to help lead our youth to success. The three things I feel create my “why” is getting students to be heard, better educated, and successful even after high school.

Muskegon High School

Through the YAC I hope to gain more insight on how to lead to the best of my ability. I want to learn how to best help my fellow peers and help other JMG students in the years to come.

Kass Bennett

Kass Bennett

Hartford High School

I am excited to be a part of the YAC because I want to strengthen my leadership skills. I enjoy helping others and being active in my community and I believe this opportunity will empower me to spread my platform to my peers.

Savanna Bates

Savanna Bates

Boys and Girls Club of Greater Southwest Michigan

Naveah Stone

Nevaeh Stone

Benton Harbor High School

It’s important for youth to get involved because young people are empowered to play a vital role in their own development as well as their communities. I joined the Youth Advisory Council to expand my leadership skills, practice public speaking, and build relationships with my fellow JMG peers.

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Zachary Dormer

Peckham, Inc.

As a member of the YAC, I want to support our youth, and help in building a better foundation for our community!


Joshua Woollard

East Jordan High School

By joining YAC, I hope to acquire leadership skills and expand my network. Additionally, I want to bring a unique perspective shaped by student's experiences in my region. Understanding their challenges and opportunities can be eye-opening. I’m eager to explore statewide issues affecting student success in high school and beyond. Recognizing that similar paths can lead to different outcomes, I believe understanding perspective is insightful.


Rylan McVannell

East Jordan High School

Through YAC, I would hope to further myself, and those around me in a number of ways. I would like to further my own capabilities by learning new life skills, or by improving upon ones that I may already have. I'd also like to further my leadership skills. Even if you are already a good leader, there's always room to grow, so I'd like to take this opportunity and grow.

JMG means new opportunities to me. I come from a smaller school in Northern Michigan, so we don't have very many diverse opportunities or resources. Our JMG Program is newer to our school, but by serving as the JMG secretary at my school I have been able to enhance my leadership skills, connect with new people, and experience new opportunities. JMG has helped me become a better person and has also helped prepare me for life after high school and my career path. Being a part of YAC will help me do all of these things, plus more...all while being able to connect with people from all across Michigan. 

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Anna Leathorn 

Ogemaw Heights High School

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Congratulations to our 2024 YAC Scholarship Winners!

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Maggie Sandoval

Northview Next Career Center

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Harmony Bennett

Hartford High School


The YAC Takes on the

JAG NSLA in Washington D.C.

This December, eight YAC members were selected from the state of Michigan to attend Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG)'s National Student Leadership Academy (NSLA) in Washington D.C. The NSLA is a capstone leadership experience for youth leaders providing unique experiences through experiential learning, real-world applicability, and networking. 

What We Do


  • 3 Coffee with a Purpose Panelists

  • 10 Legislative Meetings

  • 1 Board of Directors presentation

  • JMG Alumni Logo created

  • Plan and implemented the first annual JMG Graduation Celebration

  • Volunteers at annual Career Development Conference

Become a YAC Member

Be a Leader


  • Attend monthly meetings with fellow council members and Youth Solutions staff

  • Participate and/or volunteer in events and activities throughout the year

  • Be an advocate for Youth Solutions and a positive representation of the JMG Program



  • Network with other JMG leaders statewide

  • Professional development opportunity and resume builder

  • Increase skills in leadership, interpersonal relationships, decision-making, and public speaking

  • Plan the annual JMG Graduation Celebration

  • Work closely with Youth Solutions staff on special projects

2025 YAC Scholarship Information

Our YAC members, inspired by their own JMG journeys, are paying it forward by awarding one $500 scholarship to a deserving JMG youth. By providing this support, the YAC hopes to empower JMG youth to pursue their dreams and achieve a bright and successful future. 


The YAC Scholarship is available for current JMG youth and alumni pursuing college, apprenticeships, trade schools, or training certification programs. Funds can be used toward tuition & fees, books, registration, or short-term training.  training. 


Eligibility: Must be an Active JMG or Alumni JMG youth


Application Deadline: March 31, 2025


Winner Announced: April 11, 2025 (and awarded in person at the Career Development Conference!)


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