Meet our Specialist of the Month winner for September, Heather Bates, a Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates (JMG) out-of-school specialist from West Michigan Works! Muskegon County. Heather has been a JMG specialist for three years and has been making a huge impact in the lives of the youth she serves. We asked several questions so you can get to know Heather better:
Why did you become a JMG Specialist?
My own personal journey when I was younger led me to understand the importance of having supportive adults to guide and mentor me through life's transitions and choices. In my family, I was a first-generation college student and found myself navigating through things mostly on my own. This has influenced my passion and want to be that supportive adult for youth to make them feel seen and heard and to foster their growth in their education, career, and in life.
What inspires you about your job?
What inspires me about my job is seeing youth and young adults accomplish the goals they have for themselves. Seeing the little and big wins and the hope and confidence it can build in the youth.
Recall a favorite memory about being a specialist. (an event, a youth accomplishment, etc.)
During Leadership Day one of my youth faced her fears and did the zip line activity. When she got up to the top of the stairs, I could see she was having a hard time, but she worked through it and the whole team came together to encourage and support her. This was a growth moment for her and it went deeper than just zip lining. It was great to see our other JMG youth surround and support her in this.
What is one of the greatest challenges you face in your job?
Not being able to help every youth. Reminding myself that I can only support the youth as far as they are willing to go themselves.
What is one of the greatest highlights/joys of your job?
Building relationships and spending time with the youth. Also, learning new things from them.
Why do you think JMG is so important for youth?
While in school, getting ready to graduate, or being out of school and figuring out next steps, JMG provides opportunities and prepares youth for the realities of what they will encounter in employment, education, and life. These are important developmental times in a youth’s life and JMG comes alongside and supports youth through providing what is needed for them to grow and be successful.
Share your hobbies: Do you have any pets, what do you like to do in your spare time, etc.
I enjoy being creative…decorating, refurbishing furniture, singing, listening to music. I also love and value the time I spend with my family and friends.
Share a couple of random facts to get to know you better.
I have one daughter who is 8 ½ , I live near Lake Michigan, and my favorite color is Grey.
Share a Fun Fact about yourself.
I enjoy watching K Dramas.
Nominations are open to ALL, including our employer partners! If you know a phenomenal specialist, we encourage you to nominate them as our October Specialist of the month.
Nominate a specialist who deserves to be recognized, here.