One of our four values at Youth Solutions is collaboration. Just like a close-knit family, we recognize that our accomplishments are made possible through our partnerships across the state. Michigan Works! is one of those partners that is dedicated to helping us inspire and connect youth to achieve a future beyond imagination. This alliance with Michigan Works! dates back to our inception in 2008, where Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates (JMG) took its premier steps at Benton Harbor High School under the guidance of Michigan Works! Berrien Cass Van Buren (BCVB), becoming the state-based affiliate of Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) National. Now, in our 15th year, we are pleased to share that we are now partnered with all 16 Michigan Works! Agencies statewide.
Together, Youth Solutions and our State's 16 Michigan Works! agencies are building stronger communities as we work together to help young people overcome barriers and equip them with the skills they need to attain a brighter future. As experts in workforce and education, Youth Solutions works closely to provide Michigan Works! staff the tools, training, resources, and support needed to integrate JMG into their youth programming. This unique relationship not only offers us an expansive statewide reach, but also connects Michigan Works! staff across the state as they work towards their shared mission. In fact, many of our JMG specialists are employed by Michigan Works!, concurrently delivering Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and JMG services, offering comprehensive assistance that empowers youth to achieve positive outcomes and post-secondary success.
At the heart of this alliance are visionaries like Ryan Hundt, Chief Executive Officer, and Kim Way, Chief Experience Officer, at the Michigan Works! Association whose profound impact are evident. Hundt's engagement as a guest judge at our Career Development Conference this year underscores the depth of our partnership, showing his passion for being actively involved in shaping the future of talent development within Michigan. Likewise, Way's pivotal role as a co-moderator in this year’s Summer Summit panel discussion, Achieving a Future Beyond Imagination, highlights the importance of career education for young people, exemplifying the far-reaching influence of our collaboration.
Hundt, Way, the Michigan! Works Association, and our 16 Michigan Works! agencies play a pivotal role as invaluable partners in everything we do at Youth Solutions. We are grateful for their support and dedication in helping Michigan develop a thriving economy and long-term talent pipeline. We're excited to highlight the participation of our team members Sonya Blanzy, Donna Rummel, Kim Bordeau, Alex Packer, and Amina Chatti at the Michigan Works! Association Annual Conference that was held in Detroit on September 10-12. To learn more about the topics we presented on, please reach out to Amina Chatti at chattia@ouryouthsolutions.org.
Together we can improve the future for youth across Michigan, inspiring and connecting them to the resources they need to thrive in their chosen paths. If you are interested in partnering with Youth Solutions, learning more about our services or donating to support our work, please contact us.