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A Letter from Leadership

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We are thrilled to present Youth Solutions' 2024 Impact Report. This year has been a remarkable journey for our organization, marked by significant milestones and transformative achievements. As the Executive Director and the Chair of the Youth Advisory Council, we are honored to share our collective progress and future aspirations.

Youth Solutions continues to prioritize career-focused education, ensuring that our youth and schools are equipped with the skills and opportunities needed to thrive in today’s dynamic workforce. Our Multi-Tiered System of Support for career-focused education has been instrumental in this endeavor, providing a structured and comprehensive framework to address the diverse needs of young people. Through this system, we offer school-wide, targeted, and individualized experiences that empower youth to succeed in their chosen career paths.

One of our proudest achievements this year is impacting over 12,000 youth across Michigan. This milestone not only surpasses our strategic plan goal but also stands as a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team, partners, and supporters who believe in every young person’s potential. We have seen firsthand the transformative power of career-focused education in changing lives, fostering growth, and building a brighter future for our communities.

As we celebrate these successes, we also look ahead with renewed determination and vision. Our moonshot goal remains clear: to ensure every Michigan youth has access to high-quality career-focused education. This future is within our reach, and with your continued support, we can make it a reality. We are committed to expanding our programs, deepening our impact, and reaching more young people than ever before.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey.

Together, we are making a difference, one youth at a time.



With gratitude,


Roger Curtis

Executive Director, Youth Solutions


Nolan Henson

Chair, Youth Advisory Council, Youth Solutions


Every Michigan youth in every school is provided access to high-quality career-focused education.


We envision a Michigan where every young person is educated, employed, and career-bound.








  • Kevin Stotts, Board Chair

  • Dr. Sarah Elmouchi, Secretary

  • Barbara Anderson

  • Ken Fettig

  • Todd Gustafson

  • Joya Harris

  • Vail Harding

  • Vicky Kruslemsky

  • Nolan Henson, YAC Chair



We are dedicated to serving all young people in Michigan. We aim to address inequities in our education system by focusing on underserved youth and creating equity for all students.

Career-focused education is about equipping youth with the knowledge, tools, and an actionable plan to navigate any pathway after high school, including college, the military, an apprenticeship, or entering the workforce after graduation.

Career-focused education helps youth stay engaged in school, enabling them to set goals for their future and pursue a fulfilling career right here in Michigan.

Youth Solutions (YS) Select

is a school-wide approach designed to assist schools in creating and sustaining a long-term effective, multi-tiered system of support for career development.

7,814 Students Impacted at 15 Schools
Connecting Careers
to the Core

is a groundbreaking professional development program for educators. This innovative training provides practical strategies for embedding real-world experiences into lessons, enriching academic content, and aligning it with students' future career goals.

27 Educators Participated
Jobs for Michigan's Graduates

is transforming the lives of youth both in and out of school by guiding them toward post-secondary success and helping them overcome personal obstacles. JMG equips young people with the tools and confidence they need to succeed in life after graduation.

5,041 Youth Served
Real World Skills Background.png



Jobs for Michigan's Graduates (JMG) provides essential skills for life after high school and increases awareness of postsecondary pathways through innovative, hands-on learning experiences.

Youth Solutions partnered with Northview Next Career Center to engage JMG youth enrolled in the Grow Mainstreet Math Lab for two unique projects: designing and creating the Legislative Champion and Sterling Service Award plaques.


This initiative integrates English Language Arts (ELA) with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills, creating hands-on learning experiences that align with the Michigan Merit Curriculum.


The collaboration provided authentic Project-Based Learning (PBL) opportunities by immersing JMG youth in every step of the process, from producing designs and prototypes to 3D printing, planning delivery, and invoicing. This approach enhanced their understanding of design technology and equipped them with real-world skills relevant to the Michigan economy and industry demands.


Like the youth at Northview Next Career Center, JMG youth across the state are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and experiences needed for life after high school.


Bridging the gap between education and workforce development, the mentorship program between Benton Harbor High School's Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates program and Whirlpool Corporation equips students with the skills and experiences needed for future success.


Through personalized, year-round mentoring, Whirlpool employees offered meaningful opportunities for JMG youth to connect, learn about the world of work, and plan for their futures. Beyond one-on-one mentoring, Whirlpool staff collaborated with Corey Sterling, the JMG specialist at Benton Harbor High School, to organize six group events where students engaged in career simulations at Whirlpool, practiced real-world budgeting, and developed practical workplace skills. These experiences also provided students with a comprehensive understanding of career pathways within Whirlpool.


The program concluded with a celebratory etiquette dinner, honoring the students' achievements and growth, as well as the dedication of their mentors. Youth Solutions is profoundly grateful to Whirlpool Corporation for their partnership.

This is a best-in-class example of employer engagement and showcases Whirlpool’s commitment to nurturing future leaders in the local community.

Whirlpool award.jpg
Michael Gross, Senior Vice President, Product Marketing and Merchandising, Whirlpool


"These events and seeing the impact in our community firsthand is one of the things I’m most proud of as a Whirlpool employee. I'm honored to lead this mentoring program with Corey Sterling, JMG Specialist at BHHS!"
Whirlpool recognized with JMG Impact Award

The YAC is a dynamic group of emerging leaders, consisting of current JMG youth and alumni. Driven by their own transformative experiences in JMG, these passionate individuals serve as advocates and are dedicated to advancing and enhancing the initiatives of JMG programming statewide.


JMG alumni and Youth Advisory Council (YAC) members take the next step to support the program statewide.

Embracing their roles as mentors, leaders, and advocates, many of our dedicated JMG alumni and YAC members have significantly impacted the JMG program through involvement and participation in our annual events.

This year, to demonstrate their support, ten YAC members and JMG alumni, along with JAG National Career Association President Frida Medrano, led the entire three-hour program at the 2024 Career Development Conference. Additionally, seven YAC members attended the National Student Leadership Academy, a Jobs for America’s Graduates leadership experience in Washington D.C. These efforts showcase their commitment to the program and their dedication to supporting career development for Michigan's youth statewide.


At Summer Summit, Youth Solutions' annual professional development conference, we recognize members of our outstanding statewide network and their dedication to guiding youth through their academic and career journeys.

Specialists of the Year

Katie Chrismer

GST Michigan Works!


Nick Smith

Northview Next Career Center


Summer Tahaney

Oakland County Michigan Works!

Manager of the Year

"JMG is a life-changing program for our youth and I am proud to be part of such a great network of like-minded individuals."

Angela Libkie

GST Michigan


Sterling Service Award

At the 14th Annual Career Development Conference, we presented the inaugural JMG Sterling Service Award to JMG specialist, Corey Sterling. Corey stands out as a mentor, a coach, and an advocate for his students and is Youth Solutions’ longest tenured specialist.

Corey Sterling 

Benton Harbor High School


We’re proud to recognize the JMG specialists that went above and beyond to pursue the Trauma-Informed Care Certification:

  • Jessica Lundy - Michigan Works! West Central

  • Cody Brown - Michigan Works! Southeast

  • Josh Todd - Networks Northwest

  • Dominque Clay - GST Michigan Works!

  • Nicole Medellin - GST Michigan Works!

  • Rosie Teodosio - GST Michigan Works!

  • Katie Chrismer - GST Michigan Works!

  • Anita Jones - Eau Claire High School

  • Kristy Schaefer - Michigan Works! Region 7b


 Celebrating 15 Years of JMG 

In 2008, the Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates (JMG) Program began with a single partner and 76 students at Benton Harbor High School.


Over the years, we have achieved numerous milestones, impacting thousands of youth and establishing hundreds of partnerships statewide through our affiliates, specialists, employer partners, funders, and program sponsors. We wouldn’t have been able to accomplish this much without the dedication of our team, the support of our affiliates, and the funding from our state. The Michigan State Legislature and the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity have been with us from the beginning, making it possible for us to serve thousands of youth each year. We are also incredibly thankful for the generosity of our donors and funding partners who have enabled us to achieve more, faster than we would have without their financial commitments.


We remain committed to inspiring youth through engaging educational and career development experiences that open their eyes to a world of possibility for career success and personal achievement.


Keonté Turner

Benton Harbor High School ‘08-‘09 Alum

Thank you

We are grateful for the recurring support from our donors and funding partners. On behalf of the over 30,000 young people whose lives you’ve impacted, thank you for your commitment!

Together we can create opportunities that prepare Michigan's youth for their futures.

Programs & Locations

 126 Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates 

 15 Youth Solutions Select 

Youth Solutions offers Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates and Youth Solutions Select programming across the state in partnership with more than 90 local organizations

Youth Solutions, together with our partners, leverages more than $6M in support of program delivery.
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